The New WritePro


What is The New WritePro®?

And Why Has it Become the Most Widely Used Program for Writers
in America, Europe, and Asia?

Available to Windows users for over 25 years, WritePro® --the only fiction writing lessons that have the combined expertise of a master editor, award-winning publisher and teacher, and best-selling writer-- is now available for all PCs that support Java including Apple computers. WritePro® will also be available soon on the cloud and in App form for smart phones and tablets.

The New WritePro® is an updated and improved version of the original highly acclaimed WritePro® which has over 100,000 users in 38 countries. It contains changes that another 20 years of experience brought to the program's author, Sol Stein, along with technological improvements that have become possible with newer programming languages like Java®. Java has allowed us to keep the program small so that it is highly transportable and easily delivered via the internet, and it makes our program compatible with every modern PC. We have kept WritePro simple so anyone can use it and benefit from its unparalleled expertise.

The New WritePro

WritePro® contains the guidance that you need to become your own best editor and to truly gain an understanding of the craft of writing. You will be guided through the creation of characters, along with plot summaries and scenes using our built-in word processor which will allow you to do the following:

  • Remove unnecessary text that can bog down your writing with our exclusive Flab Editor™ feature.

  • Zoom in or out to increase or decrease the size of the program's instructional text and the text your write.

  • Toggle any text box in and out of full screen mode to better focus on your writing.

  • Automatically save your work each time that you move to a new screen.

  • Copy anything you write to any word processing program on your system.

  • Export your writing in RTF (Rich Text Format) or PDF formats.

Which of the following would please you the most?

  • Writing a short story good enough to be accepted for publication.

  • Working on a novel, step-by-step guided by a teacher who has edited some of the most successful writers of the 20th century, including James Baldwin, Lionel Trilling, Elia Kazan, Jack Higgins, and many others.

  • Experiencing the joy of being able to release the creativity you always believed to be within you.

Whatever your occupation and level of schooling or talent, you can take the most important step in becoming the creative writer you dreamed you might become.

The original WritePro® is being used successfully by many tens of thousands of writers in all 50 states and in 38 countries.  The New WritePro® is an easy-to-use software program that actually guides you step-by-step in the creating of interesting characters, suspenseful plots, and sparkling dialogue.  It eliminates writer’s block completely, enables you to avoid trial and error, mistakes, and you see proof of your improvement every day that you use the program.. 

Who Says So?

How about The New York Times, the Associated Press, Writer’s Digest, and the reviewers for many other news services and national magazines and the editors who make the selections for the Book-of-the-Month Club and the Literary Guild?

Who Guarantees That I’ll be Able to Use it Successfully?

If your creative writing doesn’t improve within minutes, contact us for a refund anytime within 30 days of your purchase.  The writers and reviewers who have tried WritePro® know that it works.  You risk nothing --- and you have a world to gain, all your hopes and dreams of writing novels or stories successfully, as you are guided by the author of Stein on Writing, How to Grow a Novel, and Sol Stein’s Reference Book for Writers.

Who Created The Program?

You are right to ask.  Some advertised programs designed for writers are written by people who use mechanical methods, haven’t practiced what they teach, or who haven’t published much.  With The New WritePro® you get an award-winning teacher who is also an award-winning author, guiding you every step of the way as you write your story or novel.

The creator of The New WritePro®, Sol Stein, is a prize-winning playwright produced on Broadway, an anthologized poet, the author of nine novels including the million-copy-seller, The Magician, plus nonfiction books, screenplays, and TV dramas.  He has published the work of Nobel Prize winner Elias Canetti, F. Lee Bailey, Lord George-Brown, Elaine Morgan, author of the Descent of Woman, Christy Brown, Wanda Landowska, Shari Lewis, Sir David Frost, Malachi Martin, the great lexicographer Eric Partridge, Leslie Fiedler, playwright Peter Shaffer, Barbara Woodhouse, Steve Allen, Jill Schary Robinson, Dore Schary, Budd Schulberg, critic John Simon, Arianna Huffington, and historian Betram Wolfe.  Stein won the Distinguished Instructor Award from the University of California at Irvine for his work with writers.

What is So Revolutionary About The New WritePro®?

The New WritePro® employs what is widely acknowledged to be the best method for learning available.  You use each new technique in your writing as soon as you learn it.  Nothing is as stimulating as seeing evidence of your improvement on your screen, in your own writing, within minutes of starting.

At writer’s conferences and workshops, we meet users of the original WritePro® who tell us that in addition to the help they’ve had for their writing, they’ve gotten two additional benefits:

  1. They become much better readers.

  2. They become keen observers of what goes on around them, enhancing each day’s experience.

No More Reinventing the Wheel

The New WritePro® shows you interesting ways to develop plots from your characters.   Other programs have you start with plot, which frequently produces hackwork.

Only The New WritePro® has The Dialogue Doctor™, which shows you how to convert ordinary exchanges into dialogue that springs off the page, your every word quided by the #1 dialogue teacher in the country.  The New WritePro® has you writing and editing new scenes before the second lesson is over.

The New WritePro® Works On……

The New WritePro® works on computers using Windows XP or later, including Windows 7, MAC computers running OS 9.1 or later, including OS X, and even Unix computer with Java runtime installed.  You have the option of downloading the software directly from our website or receiving your lessons on CD, which will be quickly shipped from our offices right to your front door. 

NOW PAY ONLY $199.00 for all ten lessons!

The New WritePro® is Available NOW!

Windows Version

          MAC Version

Click here to request an upgrade coupon if you own a previous version of WritePro.


Windows Version

           MAC Version
(pre-Catalina ONLY - 32-bit)

Sol Stein's Master Class for WritersTM DVD

  • Essentials for getting your work published, fiction or nonfiction.
  • How to turn on your book’s engine.
  • Suspense simplified and how to speed up the pace of your story
  • And much else... Click here to find out more.

© 2012-2020 by WritePro Corporation. WritePro® is a registered trademark of WritePro Corporation. All rights reserved.

Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.